A message to the KidCare community: our commitment to your health, wherever you are, whenever you need us

A message to the KidCare community:  our commitment to your health, wherever you are, whenever you need us

Dear KidCare community,

We at KidCare, have implemented a telemedicine software solution that will allow you to have a consultation for your child while at home.

As usual, you can call, whatsapp and email the clinic on the contact details below to make an appointment:

Work: +971-4-557-9700

Mobile: +971-50-679-1445

Email: info@kidcare-clinic.com

  • Once the appointment is set, you will receive an sms with a pincode.
  • When your timing is due, go to your PC or your laptop (we are working on a mobile version) and enter the address https://myclinic.app with your unique PIN: ****.
  • Type your pin in the space allocated and click on the blue check   at the end of the line (it appears as soon as you start typing your pin). Ignore login/register to start a new chat.

  • You will be directed to the chat with Dr. Majdalani through the below window. Dr. Majdalani speaks English, Arabic and French but you can also chose to translate the conversation into your language or click the “x” if you speak English, Arabic or French.

  • Click to start the Video Chat

  • At the end of the consultation, we will send you an invoice with payment details.

You can always call us for further inquiry and we will be happy to assist you. Meanwhile stay safe and we hope to see you again soon at the clinic!